This research project while focused on theoretical understandings of arid zone hunter-gatherer rock-art production, evolved into an intensive recording and management exercise with Great Basin collaborators in North America.

Jo contemplates the enormity of the Mount Irish rock art estate
My host university was UC Berkeley, where Meg Conkey was my mentor. My two study areas focused on lands managed for their rock art values by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Here I mobilised the extensive records of avocational recorders – in particular the very generous David Lee (Bishop) who has recorded hundreds of sites in both areas.

Dave Whitley uses specialist American shade equipment during photography at Shaman’s Hill
In Pahranagat Valley, Nevada, I was invited (by David Whitley and Mark Giambastiani) to participate in an ASM project in Lincoln County. This 18 month consultancy project resulted in large datasets for three areas: Mount Irish, Shooting Gallery and Pahroc.

Stafford Smith enjoys fieldwork amongst the pinyon/ juniper landscape
I participated in the fieldwork, as did UWA students Lucia Clayton and Stafford Smith). The Californian focus was on the BLM-managed Volcanic Tableland (working with Greg Haverstock (BLM) and Mark Basgall (CSUS). These two data sets provides the basis for new understanding of the chronological model for Great Basin rock art.

Lucia Clayton (UWA) and Jena Rizzi (ASM) photographing a panel in Mount Irish ACEC