After the SAA Conference in Albuquerque, NM where CRAR+M and SHUMLA co-hosted a Symposium calledThe Art of Archaeology, Sarah and Jo headed to Comstock, TX to visit our rock art colleagues (Carolyn, Karen, Vicki, Jerod, Amanda, Charles and Jay) at the SHUMLA Archaeological Research & Education Centre.

We spent two days in the field: hiking, fording rivers, climbing canyons and fighting our way through bamboo with local Ranchers to get to some incredible Lower Pecos River rock art sites.

The SHUMLA team are working on the Alexandria Project and we were delighted to help them record a new site on the Rio Grande. It was a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and for Sarah and Vicky to exchange ideas over database structure and management, and we are looking forward to future collaborations.