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Job Opportunities at CRAR+M

The Centre for Rock Art Research + Management (CRAR+M) and Archaeology have a vibrant research culture with internationally recognised researchers in a range of areas such as the archaeology of Indigenous Australia, rock art, heritage studies and maritime archaeology. The discipline teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses in archaeology within the broader Department. CRAR+M is a UWA Centre of Strategic Research Excellence and has a large research program working with a wide range of Aboriginal communities and other stakeholders to enhance rock art research and management within Western Australia.

From the Desert to the Sea: Managing Rock Art, Country and Culture

The Desert to the Sea: Managing Rock Art, Country and Culture Project is designed to bring together Western Science and traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) and to develop cultural heritage management (CHM) modules, including with a specific rock art focus, to align with Natural Resource Management (NRM)-related ranger activities.

The following positions are now available for application:

This position offers you the opportunity to be part of the Desert to the Sea: Managing Rock Art, Country and Culture Project team in which you will develop and implement curriculum and training modules for the annual field programme and an annual Ranger workshop. You will develop and deliver Ranger heritage training modules on country with three partner Aboriginal Corporations as well as develop heritage training curriculum for Indigenous ranger certification. You will be expected to deliver an annual Ranger workshop to the combined ranger teams on heritage issues relevant to the research and management focus of the Project.

This position offers you the opportunity to be part of the Desert to the Sea ARC Linkage Project team in which you will provide heritage capacity to Mungarlu Ngurrarankatja Rirraunkaja (MNR) and Jamukurnu-Yapalikunu Aboriginal Corporation (JYAC) during fieldwork. You will provide support to ensure effective database co-ordination of heritage materials between the two desert partner organisations and researchers collaborating on the Project.

This position offers you the opportunity to be part of the Desert to the Sea ARC Linkage Project team in which you will effectively co-ordinate the researchers and partners of the Desert to the Sea ARC Linkage Project. You will organise and facilitate fieldwork with researchers, partner organisations and Traditional Owners. You will also prepare background materials, mobilise and synthesise research content and develop stand-alone and collaborative research outputs.

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